Five steps to Keep Your Skin Naturally Glowing

Many individuals crave glowing skin and why shouldn’t they? There’s nothing like standing out with healthy looking skin that glows. Some people try and remedy this desire for a noticeable glowNatural Skin Care Edmonton with makeup tricks and cosmetic surgery. While this method may work for some, others intend for a natural glow. We’re sharing our five natural glow tips to give your skin that extra boost. If you can commit to these daily routines and be consistent, you can count on a visible difference.

  1. Fiber-rich diet

A lot of emphasis is placed on diet and nutritional habits when considering skin care. That’s because healthy skin often begins as an inside job. If you’re healthy on the inside, it will eventually reflect externally. For naturally glowing skin, select natural protein and fiber-filled foods such as nuts, fish, broccoli, beet, brown rice, and quinoa.  Fiber contributes to successful digestion and where digestion is ineffective those impurities affect the skin. If you are consistent with fiber-rich foods, you will make a solid contribution to your skin’s glow.

  1. Physical Activity

Exercise increases and contributes to the healthy flow of oxygen to your skin cells. Exercising is one of the best ways to cleanse the system from inside out. Physical activity helps to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress, carrying away debris and waste products from the cells.

  1. Detoxification

The skin is often exposed to different toxins, which is usually evident by the presence of pimples, acne, and dullness. When you engage in daily detoxification you help to purify your organs and enhance their function. One of the easiest ways to tackle this portion of your skin glow project is to start your day with a cup of warm lemon water.

  1. Stress-free life

Your body reacts to your mind. When you stress, your skin mirrors those same emotions and appear dull, tired, and unappealing. Take time to meditate or relax throughout the day. Ensure you receive enough sleep and take a break when you feel as though you are being pulled to far. Additionally, make certain there is a visible distinction between your home life and work life to minimize increased stress levels.

  1. Hydration: drink water

Finally, drink water. Many celebrities have credited high levels of water consumption to their skin’s natural glow. Your body will always need water, feed it.

Healthy Skin Obsessed

These days, trends only last as long as it takes the development of another product, theme, or idea to grab your attention. Despite this, healthy skin is one trend that manages to stay afloat and Healthy Skin Edmontoncontinue to remain a hot topic as others fizzle out. Pop culture has become skin care obsessed and we’re excited about it. We don’t want you to fall behind, so we’re sharing our healthy skin tips so you can ride the wave.

The Inside Job

Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine consumption

These three substances, especially when consumed in a frequent and simultaneous manner, are capable of aging your skin rapidly and significantly. According to research from the British Skin Foundation, “smoking reduces the skin’s natural elasticity through the breakdown and reduction of collagen.” This lack of collagen is important to your skin’s health because it is a protein responsible for the strength of the skin. Consequently, the reduction and removal of collagen also results in the formation of wrinkles.

Be intentional about your food consumption

Healthy skin is the summary of what you put on the inside and outside of your skin. However, it is fair to say that the internal aspect holds a little more weight to the process and yields long-term effects. Consume foods that are high in antioxidants such as berries, carrots, beet, and squash. These foods will prevent free-radical damage. You should also include foods that contain vitamin A, such as green leafy vegetables and oranges, to help promote skin repair. Finally, drink lots and lots of water (eight glasses, daily). Water is the ultimate internal key to healthy-looking skin.

The Outside Job

Have a Skin Care Routine

Sadly, most people simply wash their faces with the body wash that is conveniently placed in the shower and that’s the end of their skincare routine. Using a little more effort, invest in a good cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and exfoliant that compliments your skin type and get in the habit of using these products daily. Your skin reacts well to consistency.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun 

Invest in products that contain UVA and UVB protection to prevent sunburn or skin diseases. A little sun is certainly healthy as well, but you must be moderate.


Spend more time getting acquainted with your pillow and your dreams. Sleep is essential to healthy skin. Try going to your bed at the same hour every night, keep your bedroom cool, and apply a pea size amount of natural coconut oil over your eyes.

Try these tips to get the best out of your skin.

Natural Remedies to Make your Skin Glow

The quest for flawless, glowing skin is prevalent.  Individuals constantly seek restorative remedies for dull and lifeless skin. Whether it’s on the shelves of your local Natural Skin Caredrugstore or the regular visit to our office for facial treatments, it’s undeniable that radiant skin is high on demand.  Our treatment programs facilitate these needs to ensure that when you leave our office you have a healthy and rejuvenated glow.  However, in between treatments, we encourage you to take an active role in preserving your skin’s natural light.  Below are a few simple remedies to keep your skin glowing.

  1. Ice Cube Trick

Ice cubes are not only for cooling down your warm drink; they can speed up your natural glow, too! Squeeze a few small drops of your moisturizer on an ice cube and massage it all over your face. This will immediately increase your blood circulation, freshen your skin, and provide the perfect foundational glow to which you can even apply makeup if you’re heading out for a spotlight event.

  1. Tea time!

Gather approximately one tablespoon of tealeaves and bring it to a boil in water. Once you observe the colour impartation, allow the water to cool.  Evenly mix two tablespoons of the tea water with one tablespoon of brown sugar and one tablespoon of cream. Gently massage the mixture into your skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water and pat dry with a towel. Enjoy the undeniable glow.

  1. Green Apples Galore

Green apples are great glow sources. Simply apply the pulp of a green apple to your face, leave it on for about 5-10 minutes, and then rinse in cool water.  This remedy will even your skin tone, prompt blood circulation, and make your skin look radiant.

These quick and easy remedies will keep all the lights shining on you. Better yet, your radiance will illuminate the room and others.