Fruits that Protect from Sunburn

Have you ever considered shopping for skin care products in the produce aisle of the grocery store?  It seems that certain fruits like strawberries, pomegranates, and guavas contain specific ingredients that are beneficial for skin care and, specifically, for sunburn.  Did we need anotherSunburn care reason to love them?


Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits available.  And now researchers are isolating some very beneficial ingredients contained in strawberries.  One class of powerful compounds found in strawberries is called anthocyanins.  A study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry reports that when human skin cells were exposed to these strawberry-flavored anthocyanins they experienced less DNA damage from the sun than skin cells that were not exposed.


Researchers at the Hallym University in the Republic of Korea found that ellagic acid which is found in pomegranates retarded the destruction of collagen and prevented wrinkle-causing skin inflammation.  These scientists tested the effects of ellagic acid on hairless mice and on human skin cells.  Their studies concluded that ellagic acid successfully blocked the matrix metalloproteinase enzymes which are enzymes that destroy the natural collagen in sun-damaged cells.


It’s a well-known fact that antioxidants such as vitamin C help protect your skin before you get in the sun.  Vitamin C applied topically also soothes the pain and redness of skin that is already sunburned.  Guavas are good for your skin because they contain about five times the antioxidants as an orange.  Guavas also contain another skin-protecting ingredient – lycopene.


You might regard tomatoes as a vegetable, but technically they are a fruit.  But however they are classified, they are rich in lycopene which provides your skin with vital protection from harmful UV rays emanating from the sun.  The British Society for Investigative Dermatology published a study reporting the astounding benefits of eating tomatoes.  Study participants who regularly consumed lycopene from tomato-based products over a three-month period were found to be about 33% more protected from the sun than their control group counterparts.

Everybody knows that including a variety of fruits and vegetables is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.  But many people don’t realize that your local produce department is also the first step to protecting your skin from sun damage.

Should I be calling my Dermatologist?

To some people, skincare is a trivial matter.  There is very little concern for the products and methods that are used on the skin. In a lot of cases, so long as your Edmonton Dermatology skin isn’t on fire or isn’t severely irritable, you’re okay. While these instances are causes for concern, the need for a dermatologist span far beyond matters of severity.

At Rao Dermatology, we offer a myriad of services that are beneficial for your skin, but how do you know you need them? This article provides a list of instances when you should call or visit, or get a recommendation from your GP to see a dermatologist.

Stubborn Acne

One of the first signs of bad skin is stubborn acne. If you have been using over-the-counter products for a long period of time and your condition has not improved or has worsen, you must see a gynecologist. Although your Family Doctor can prescribe quick fixes for mild acne, Dermatologists can advise and administer treatments that are geared specifically towards your skin type.


Excessive exposure to the sun can have serious effects that creep up silently. If you’ve spent a lot of time in the sun or visiting tanning salons, a Dermatological check up should be a part of your yearly routine.  The skin is a sensitive organ, but it is also discrete. Dispositions occurring under the skin as a result of sunburn or overexposure to UV rays may not be immediately apparent.

Spots, unusual rashes, discolouration

If you observe a change in colour, consistently, or notice that your skin is more than one colour at a time, you need to see your dermatologist.  Random spots that appear and remain as well as old spots that seem to be changing are also matters to bring to a dermatologist’s attention.

Hair Growth

Sudden and rapid hair growth on your face and chest can be warning signs of a disposition in your skin. If this occurs, let your dermatologist know.


Sometimes certain products that you use on your skin can accelerate skin wrinkling and aging. If you notice an increasing amount of wrinkles over a short period of time on your skin, call your dermatologist.

This list is not exhaustive, but if anything about your skin is abnormal it is worth bringing to your Dermatologist’s attention.