It’s Just a Little Skin care, MAN!

We’ve all heard these stories before: the struggle to find the right facial cleanser, celebrating the results of a recently acquired moisturizer, Men Skin Careand sitting on the floor of the skincare isle overwhelmed by products; they are stories told by women! However, as more and more men begin to practice proper skincare, they too are sharing similar stories.  Men, like women, need to make conscious and informed decisions about what goes in, out, and on the skin.  The hygienic chore of shaving further illustrates the urgency of effective skincare among men. Here are a few manly tips you can incorporate into your daily routine to revolutionize your morning and evening skin regimens.

Cleansing to Remove Blockage

Men tend to sweat and accrue a significant amount of oil build-up on a daily basis. To protect your pores from bacterial blockage, wash your face a few times a day with a facial soap and lukewarm water, especially after physical activity and before shaving.  This helps to keep your skin clear and creates a smooth gliding surface for your razor.

Embrace the Heat and Humidity

After any long day or sleepless night, your first instinct is, perhaps, to splash cold water on your face to give you that well needed awakening. Well, find another way to wake up! Splashing warm water on your face after a good wash opens up the pores, thereby facilitating a closer shave. Experts have recommended shaving in the shower to get the most out of the humidity.

Don’t fall for the Cheap, Cheap Bird

Always look at skincare as an investment; you’ll get out what you put in and then some more…or less. Purchase a razor that is comfortable for your skin, reduces residue, and requires very little pressure. This combination will decrease irritation and minimize acne potential.  Further, ensure your razor has an effective cleaning system. Using dirty razors can result in the spread of bacteria, acne, and red skin.


Finally, moisturize day and night. It is imperative to consistently hydrate your skin. Look for products that contain natural ingredients such as shea butter and vitamin E.  Your skin’s hydration will determine how smooth your shave will be.

These tips are not exhaustive, but they are a welcomed starting point. Be sure to consult your dermatologist when using any new products to alleviate any risk of potential irritation or medical disposition.