The Top 5 Cosmetic Procedures For Men

One of the biggest misconceptions circulating the health and beauty sector right now is that dermatology is specific to women.

A decade ago, you might have said that this statement is true. In this day and age however, it is far from it.

In the last 10 years, there has been a strong shift in the male attitude. More and more men are now interested in looking younger, and that is why these procedures are becoming more and more popular.


Botox is a gateway procedure for a lot of men. At first, men were very hesitant to give it a go. They were worried that they would end up looking stiff and even expressionless. This is not the case at all, and nowadays it is able to soften the wrinkles and even the fine lines around the eyes. This gives a very refreshing look and it can also make you look 5 years younger.


Men who want to have a tighter and firmer appearance should really look into lasers. Fraxel is very invasive and it also requires you to have a lot of downtime as well. Lasers on the other hand can really help you to get that youthful appearance and it is ideal if you want to look very youthful in a short space of time. If you have never considered trying lasers before then you should certainly look into it for yourself, as it can shave years off your look.


A lot of men are afraid of cosmetic procedures because they fear that it will make them look feminine. This is why a lot of them shy away from cosmetic filler. There are however more masculine techniques out there that can help you to look younger with ease. The key is to use a much lesser amount as this can give you a very natural undertone. It can also be used to create a very youthful look as well. If you use the treatment around the eyes then this will prevent dark circles and it will also stop you from having that “tired” look.

Body Sculpting

It is more than possible for you to destroy fat and there is now a liposuction alternative available. You only have to undergo a couple of sessions and they will only take half an hour each. You won’t have to worry about your beer belly or even your spare tyres anymore, and the treatment has been completely approved by the FDA. This has the ability to destroy 24% of your fat and it is a very safe procedure. The best thing about having this done is that it can ensure results and it doesn’t take long at all.

Laser Hair Removal

More men are now opting for laser hair removal now when compared to ever before. The treatment began for women who had leg hair, but men opt to have it done on their ears, between their eyebrows and even on their back. It is also possible for you to have it done on your chest as well. The technology for hair removal has really advanced over the years and there are many alternatives for you to choose from as well. If your hair is not black however then you may have a problem getting this done, so do keep that in mind.

So, there are many options available if you want to get a procedure done and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to get the perfect body and without any compromise.

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Dr. Rao will take the time to listen to your concerns and create a treatment plan tailored to suit your goals, skin, and budget. Contact us today for your free consultation by filling in the form below.