Don’t Be So Sensitive?

Have you been burdened with the task of having to go deep diving to find products that that won’t irritate your skin? Sensitive skin is far Sensitive Skinmore common that you may want to believe, and though it may be a high-maintenance and time-consuming disposition, there are a few factors that may be contributing to your skin’s sensitivity.


Critique the Atmosphere


The air, as refreshing as it may be, can contain high volumes of contaminants. If you are in an environment saturated with dirt and pollution, which includes but is not limited to smoke, exhaust fumes, dust, and industrial waste, your skin can become irritable and pasty as a result. This type of pollution is almost unavoidable and can clog your pores and be absorbed by the skin’s natural barrier. Consequently, your skin fails to perform its natural purification processes resulting in sensitive skin. If you’re aware of excessive pollution in your surroundings try covering your skin on a consistent basis and drink lots of water.


Another atmospheric change that has a negative effect on your skin’s sensitivity is the weather. Extreme dry weather causes dehydration and by extension, sensitive skin. This most commonly occurs in the winter when you rotate between cold air and central heating. One of the best ways to combat this type of skin sensitivity is to moisturize your skin multiple times per day and be intentional about your hydration routine.




The environment may play a huge role in skin care, but stress is an internal mechanism that alters your skin’s sensitivity.  Stress that derives from challenges such as a lack of sleep, bad eating habits, and conflict can slow down the hormones responsible for skin regulation. Over time, your skin will be defective in repair and maintenance and your skin may become sensitive. Try engaging in stress-free activities to defend stress-related skin inconsistencies.


Ingredients in Skincare Products


Finally, sensitive skin can be a direct result of the ingredients in skincare products.  Take an active role in reading the ingredients of the products you apply to your skin. If you are uncertain about certain compounds, consult your dermatologist because you may be allergic.


If you think you’ve got sensitive skin, contact our office and book an appointment so we can initiate a recovery regimen that suits your needs.

Over-using products on your face

The saying “less is more” can be misleading when trying to decipher which products to use on your face.  Sometimes too little can misinformMake Up Tips | Rao Dermatology Edmonton a product’s effectiveness. On the other hand, overusing a product in the hope that the results will occur sooner or in a greater way is just as dangerous. At Rao Dermatology, we believe that moderation is the best medicine—never too little and never too much.  The following products and/or routines have dominated our list of overuse. Take note!


We celebrate exfoliating and it is one of the leading methods for skin purification. However, if you are exfoliating your skin too often you will destroy and ultimately remove your skin’s top layer. By removing this protective barrier you do more harm to your skin than good and while you believe that you should be seeing positive results, quite the opposite occurs. Our dermatologists recommend exfoliating two or three times a week, maximum.


Products such as cleansers and scrubs can also be overused.  You can definitely wash your face too much. The outcome: you remove the natural oils from your skin. The best way to mitigate this downfall is to cleanse or scrub your skin in the evenings so you can remove the makeup, dust, and dirt from the day’s adventures. In the mornings, use a wet washcloth to cleanse your face.


Makeup, Makeup, Makeup. This is the obvious culprit of product overusing. Too much will clog your pores, reduce your skin’s natural radiance, and overtime, cause aging. To avoid these side effects, apply natural primers and concealers that protect your skin. Further, try to limit your makeup use to work and special occasions. The more opportunity your skin has to breathe, the better.


Take this list to heart and monitor what products you’re overusing. The change will only be for the better and your skin will thank you for it.


Summer Lips, Summer Kiss

Solve this equation: humid weather plus inconsistent and neglectful lip care equals…that’s right, disaster. As spring tugs on summer’s Summer Lipscoattails it’s time to start adding a little more UMPH to those lips. By UMPH we mean committing to products and regimens that provide round-the-clock lip protection, especially when the sun is working overtime.


If you feel like you’re not ready to make a big change and invest in too much product purchasing, an ideal starting point to enhance your lip care is your internal health. Your diet choices play a significant role in how your lips react to sunlight exposure. Aim to eat a variety of green leafy vegetables and fruits, and foods rich in vitamins. Most importantly however, increase your water consumption to stay hydrated.  Drinking plenty of water regulates your lips and skin’s natural balance; it stimulates the circulation of blood and fluids within your body. Further, if you are physically active on a day-to-day basis, consuming water replaces the moisture you’ve lost throughout.  Being mindful of your diet is a useful foundation for lip protection, but it is not the only method.


Once you’ve made an internal effort to keep your lips moist and sun-free, consider external care. Purchase lip products with SPF benefits to maximize your coverage from UV rays. Our dermatologists recommend Skinceuticals Antioxidant Lip Repair. This product helps tackle any environmental damage to your lips while simultaneously smoothing and rehydrating the lips surface. It is packed with vitamin E and you can apply it daily.


Now that we’ve got you covered for the day routine, we’ll shed some light on how to get your lips working at night.  Peppermint is a natural remedy for summer sun damage. Add ten drops of peppermint essential oil to one tablespoon of honey and apply it to your lips right before bed. When you wake up in the morning, rinse and apply your lip balm or Skinceuticals Antioxidant Lip Repair to start your day.  If you don’t have peppermint lying around in your cupboard, coconut oil or almond oil will suffice.


Don’t let the sun burn your lips out this summer. Follow these tips so you can always be ready to pucker up for a kiss.